The Logo tree collects only general data about Logos – the so called descriptive metadata. Depending on the importance, the collected data is categorized in three groups.
[ Name ]
This is the name of a Logo without its version number. It is the most important metadatum. Many Logos have several names and many were refered to by their authors just as 'Logo'.
[ Inspirer ]
This metadatum is a list of other Logos that inspired physically, ideologically or emotionally the development of a Logo. Inspirers are used to connect Logos in the Logo tree. An inspirer could be:
- Logo which is a previous version (parent) of a Logo.
- Logo which documentation (e.g. set of primitives) is used as a reference.
- Logo which lacked some functionality and this triggered the making of a new Logo.
[ Years ]
The metadatum is either the year when a Logo became public, or a range of years framing its development. Sometimes, the year of a Logo is a guess.
Other metadata
The following metadata represent general properties of a Logo. Even if all of them are missing, a Logo can still be included in the tree and linked to its predecessors.
- [ Logoness ] separates Logos from Logo-likes. Usually Logos have lists, variables, functions, cycles, recursion, while Logo-likes have limited subsets of Logo functions or just mimic the Logo syntax.
- [ URL ] is a collection of online references with information about a Logo, like its home page, newspaper articles and board messages.
- [ Version ] is the latest known version of a Logo.
- [ Status ] marks the stage of a Logo lifecycle. Active Logos are alive and new versions are expected. Frozen Logos are still used, but their development has stopped. Dead Logos are not used any more, usually their platforms are already outdated.
- [ Platform ] is a collection of tags about the development and/or executional platform of a Logo. It may contain names of operating systems, programming languages and hardware.
- [ Autors ] contains the names of a Logo authors. Large teams are presented by their leaders or principal researchers.