Online Elica Museum

During the decade of its active development Elica was used as an authoring environment for educational, scientific and artistic works. This Museum displays a small fraction of what was done


Several European projects had Elica as one of their software development tools



Elica was a prototyping tool for rapid development of several educational applications:


Pattern Constructor

Pythagorean Theorem


The graphical features of Elica suited well to the production of several short animated movies. Most of them are included in theFilms and Artcollection for free online viewing



The Convertible House


Started out as experiment, the making of computer generated video clips became the most distinguished feature of Elica. A moderately large collection of more than 200 video clips is uploaded in the Elica's YouTube channel

Circular motion in wind generated waves

The mystery of propeller photography

Girl with a Pearl Earring - Voronoi version

Monge's Circle Theorem

Peristaltic Mandala

Believe it or not

Disappearing Pencil Illusion

Seismic Membranes

Harlem Shake

Why A?

Pendulum Harmonics


Cutting a torus

Larnaean Decapus

Lab experiments

The mysterious piano of Eratosthenes

Equirectangular Projection

Being punished for the recess

Abyss of Infinity

Tying Shoelaces

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